Here’s something crazy about the letter ” ط ” ?
Some historians argue that the Arabic script was inspired and developed by different historical origins; Ancient Syriac, Egyptian Hieroglyphics . . . Things like that.
So the letter ط is actually argued to be from Egyptian Hieroglyphics by some historians.
The letter ط is drawn like a ‘Snake’ coiled up, wrapped round at the bottom and is standing up ready to bite, like a cobra.
Now, even though the Letter ط doesn’t mean that. It’s just shaped like that.
What the really cool thing about this is, you know how some Surah’s in the Quran begin with certain letters; like “Alif-Laam-Meem”, “Kaaf-Haa-Yaa-‘Ayn-Saad”,”Taa-Seen-Meem”, “Ta-Ha” ( ط )
You have a number of Surah’s that begin with a ط ,
And every single one of the Surah’s that begins with a ط, has a mention of Musa (moses a.s) and his staff turning into a snake.
Will never see the letter ط the same way ever again!